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Unless specifically stated in the applicable dataset documentation, datasets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided and maintained by AWS. Datasets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check dataset licenses and related documentation to determine if a dataset may be used for your application.

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Foldingathome COVID-19 Datasets

alchemical free energy calculationsbiomolecular modelingcoronavirusCOVID-19foldingathomehealthlife sciencesmolecular dynamicsproteinSARS-CoV-2simulationsstructural biology

Folding@home is a massively distributed computing project that uses biomolecular simulations to investigate the molecular origins of disease and accelerate the discovery of new therapies. Run by the Folding@home Consortium, a worldwide network of research laboratories focusing on a variety of different diseases, Folding@home seeks to address problems in human health on a scale that is infeasible by another other means, sharing the results of these large-scale studies with the research community through peer-reviewed publications and publicly shared datasets. During the COVID-19 epidemic, Folding@home focused its resources on understanding the vulnerabilities in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, and working closely with a number of experimental collaborators to accelerate progress toward effective therapies for treating COVID-19 and ending the pandemic. In the process, it created the world's first exascale distributed computing resource, enabling it to generate valuable scientific datasets of unprecedented size. More information about Folding@home's COVID-19 research activities at the Folding@home COVID-19 page. In addition to working directly with experimental collaborators and rapidly sharing new research findings through preprint servers, Folding@home has joined other researchers in committing to rapidly share all COVID-19 research data, and has joined forces with AWS and the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) to share datasets of unprecedented side through the AWS Open Data Registry, indexing these massive datasets via the MolSSI COVID-19 Molecular Structure and Therapeutics Hub. The complete index of all Folding@home datasets can be found here. Th...

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Usage examples

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PubSeq - Public Sequence Resource

bambioinformaticsbiologycoronavirusCOVID-19fast5fastafastqgeneticgenomichealthjsonlife scienceslong read sequencingmedicineMERSmetadataopen source softwareRDFSARSSARS-CoV-2SPARQL

COVID-19 PubSeq is a free and open online bioinformatics public sequence resource with on-the-fly analysis of sequenced SARS-CoV-2 samples that allows for a quick turnaround in identification of new virus strains. PubSeq allows anyone to upload sequence material in the form of FASTA or FASTQ files with accompanying metadata through the web interface or REST API.

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Usage examples

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Basic Local Alignment Sequences Tool (BLAST) Databases

bioinformaticsbiologygeneticgenomichealthlife sciencesproteinreference indextranscriptomics

A centralized repository of pre-formatted BLAST databases created by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

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Usage examples

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Synthea synthetic patient generator data in OMOP Common Data Model

bioinformaticshealthlife sciencesnatural language processingus

The Synthea generated data is provided here as a 1,000 person (1k), 100,000 person (100k), and 2,800,000 persom (2.8m) data sets in the OMOP Common Data Model format. SyntheaTM is a synthetic patient generator that models the medical history of synthetic patients. Our mission is to output high-quality synthetic, realistic but not real, patient data and associated health records covering every aspect of healthcare. The resulting data is free from cost, privacy, and security restrictions. It can be used without restriction for a variety of secondary uses in academia, research, industry, and gov...

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Usage examples

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MIMIC-III (‘Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care’)

bioinformaticshealthlife sciencesnatural language processingus

MIMIC-III (‘Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care’) is a large, single-center database comprising information relating to patients admitted to critical care units at a large tertiary care hospital. Data includes vital signs, medications, laboratory measurements, observations and notes charted by care providers, fluid balance, procedure codes, diagnostic codes, imaging reports, hospital length of stay, survival data, and more. The database supports applications including academic and industrial research, quality improvement initiatives, and higher education coursework. The MIMIC-I...

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Usage examples

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Medical Segmentation Decathlon

computed tomographyhealthimaginglife sciencesmagnetic resonance imagingmedicineniftisegmentation

With recent advances in machine learning, semantic segmentation algorithms are becoming increasingly general purpose and translatable to unseen tasks. Many key algorithmic advances in the field of medical imaging are commonly validated on a small number of tasks, limiting our understanding of the generalisability of the proposed contributions. A model which works out-of-the-box on many tasks, in the spirit of AutoML, would have a tremendous impact on healthcare. The field of medical imaging is also missing a fully open source and comprehensive benchmark for general purpose algorithmic validati...

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Usage examples

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COVID-19 Data Lake

amazon.sciencebioinformaticsbiologycoronavirusCOVID-19healthlife sciencesmedicineMERSSARS

A centralized repository of up-to-date and curated datasets on or related to the spread and characteristics of the novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated illness, COVID-19. Globally, there are several efforts underway to gather this data, and we are working with partners to make this crucial data freely available and keep it up-to-date. Hosted on the AWS cloud, we have seeded our curated data lake with COVID-19 case tracking data from Johns Hopkins and The New York Times, hospital bed availability from Definitive Healthcare, and over 45,000 research articles about COVID-19 and rela...

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Usage examples

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bambioinformaticscoronavirusCOVID-19fastafastqgeneticgenomicglobalhealthlife scienceslong read sequencingSARS-CoV-2vcfviruswhole genome sequencing

The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) is the primary archive of high-throughput sequencing data, hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The SRA represents the largest publicly available repository of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data. This dataset was created by DNAstack using SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data sourced from the SRA. Where possible, raw sequence data were processed by DNAstack through a unified bioinformatics pipeline to produce genome assemblies and variant calls. The use of a standardized workflow to produce this harmonized dataset allows public data generated using different methodol...

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Usage examples

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EMory BrEast Imaging Dataset (EMBED)


EMBED is a racially diverse mammography dataset containing 3.4M screening and diagnostic images from 110,000 patients collected from 2013-2020, with an equal representation of black and white women. The dataset is comprised of 2D, synthetic 2D (C-view), and 3D (digital breast tomosynthesis, i.e. DBT) images. It contains 60,000 annotated lesions linked to structured imaging descriptors and ground truth pathologic outcomes grouped into six severity classes. This release represents 20% of the total 2D and C-view dataset and is available for research use. DBT, US, and MRI exams will be added at a ...

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Usage examples

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Reference data for HiFi human WGS

genetichealthHomo sapienslife scienceslong read sequencingmappingvariant annotationvcfwhole genome sequencing

Reference data bundle for analyzing HiFi human whole genome sequencing data

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Usage examples

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CMS 2008-2010 Data Entrepreneurs’ Synthetic Public Use File (DE-SynPUF) in OMOP Common Data Model

amazon.sciencebioinformaticshealthlife sciencesnatural language processingus

DE-SynPUF is provided here as a 1,000 person (1k), 100,000 person (100k), and 2,300,000 persom (2.3m) data sets in the OMOP Common Data Model format. The DE-SynPUF was created with the goal of providing a realistic set of claims data in the public domain while providing the very highest degree of protection to the Medicare beneficiaries’ protected health information. The purposes of the DE-SynPUF are to:

  1. allow data entrepreneurs to develop and create software and applications that may eventually be applied to actual CMS claims data;
  2. train researchers on the use and complexity of conducting analyses with CMS claims data prior to initiating the process to obtain access to actual CMS data; and,
  3. support safe data mining innovations that may reveal unan...

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    Usage examples

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COVID-19 Genome Sequence Dataset

bambioinformaticsbiologycoronavirusCOVID-19cramfastqgeneticgenomichealthlife sciencesMERSSARSSTRIDEStranscriptomicsviruswhole genome sequencing

This repository within the ACTIV TRACE initiative houses a comprehensive collection of datasets related to SARS-CoV-2. The processing of SARS-CoV-2 Sequence Read Archive (SRA) files has been optimized to identify genetic variations in viral samples. This information is then presented in the Variant Call Format (VCF). Each VCF file corresponds to the SRA parent-run's accession ID. Additionally, the data is available in the parquet format, making it easier to search and filter using the Amazon Athena Service. The SARS-CoV-2 Variant Calling Pipeline is designed to handle new data every six ho...

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Usage examples

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NYUMets Brain Dataset

biologycancercomputer visionhealthimage processingimaginglife sciencesmachine learningmagnetic resonance imagingmedical imagingmedicineneurobiologyneuroimagingsegmentation

This dataset contains 8,000+ brain MRIs of 2,000+ patients with brain metastases.

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QIIME 2 User Tutorial Datasets


QIIME 2 is a powerful, extensible, and decentralized microbiome analysis package with a focus on data and analysis transparency. QIIME 2 enables researchers to start an analysis with raw DNA sequence data and finish with publication-quality figures and statistical results. This dataset contains the user docs (and related datasets) for QIIME 2.

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Synthea Coherent Data Set

bioinformaticscsvdicomgenomichealthimaginglife sciencesmedicine

This is a synthetic data set that includes FHIR resources, DICOM images, genomic data, physiological data (i.e., ECGs), and simple clinical notes. FHIR links all the data types together.

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Tabula Muris

biologyencyclopedicgenomichealthlife sciencesmedicine

Tabula Muris is a compendium of single cell transcriptomic data from the model organism Mus musculus comprising more than 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues. These data represent a new resource for cell biology, reveal gene expression in poorly characterized cell populations, and allow for direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types shared between tissues, such as T-lymphocytes and endothelial cells from different anatomical locations. Two distinct technical approaches were used for most organs: one approach, microfluidic droplet-based 3’-end counting, enabled the s...

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Tabula Muris Senis

biologyencyclopedicgenomichealthlife sciencesmedicinesingle-cell transcriptomics

Tabula Muris Senis is a comprehensive compendium of single cell transcriptomic data from the model organism Mus musculus comprising more than 500,000 cells from 18 organs and tissues across the mouse lifespan. We discovered cell-specific changes occurring across multiple cell types and organs, as well as age related changes in the cellular composition of different organs. Using single-cell transcriptomic data we were able to assess cell type specific manifestations of different hallmarks of aging, such as senescence, changes in the activity of metabolic pathways, depletion of stem-cell populat...

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Tabula Sapiens

biologyencyclopedicgeneticgenomichealthlife sciencesmedicinesingle-cell transcriptomics

Tabula Sapiens will be a benchmark, first-draft human cell atlas of two million cells from 25 organs of eight normal human subjects. Taking the organs from the same individual controls for genetic background, age, environment, and epigenetic effects, and allows detailed analysis and comparison of cell types that are shared between tissues. Our work creates a detailed portrait of cell types as well as their distribution and variation in gene expression across tissues and within the endothelial, epithelial, stromal and immune compartments. A critical factor in the Tabula projects is our large collaborative network of PI’s with deep expertise at preparation of diverse organs, enabling all organs from a subject to be successfully processed within a single day. Tabula Sapiens leverages our network of human tissue experts and a close collaboration with a Donor Network West, a not-for-profit organ procurement organization. We use their experience to balance and assign cell types from each tissue compartment and optimally mix high-quality plate-seq data and high-volume droplet-based data to provide a broad and deep benchmark atlas. Our goal is to make sequence data rapidly and broadly available to the scientific community as a community resource. Before you use our data, please take note of our Data Release Policy below.

Data Release Policy

Our goal is to make sequence data rapidly and broadly available to the scientific community as a community resource. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion, and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analyses. However, considerable investment was made in generating these data and we ask that you respect rights of first publication and acknowledgment as outlined in the Toronto agreement. By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes, cell types or transcriptomic data on a who...

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biologyhealthlife sciencesmedicinesignal processing

VitalDB, a high-fidelity multi-parameter vital signs database in surgical patients.

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GX database for NCBI Foreign Contamination Screen (FCS) Tool Suite

assemblybioinformaticsbiologycontaminationfastageneticgenomehealthlife scienceswhole genome sequencing

Sequence database used by FCS-GX (Foreign Contamination Screen - Genome Cross-species aligner) to detect contamination from foreign organisms in genome sequences.

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InRad COVID-19 X-Ray and CT Scans

bioinformaticscoronavirusCOVID-19healthlife sciencesmedicineSARS

This dataset is a collection of anonymized thoracic radiographs (X-Rays) and computed tomography (CT) scans of patients with suspected COVID-19. Images are acommpanied by a positive or negative diagnosis for SARS-CoV2 infection via RT-PCR. These images were provided by Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Hospital Sirio-Libanes, and by Laboratory Fleury.

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