cog earth observation geospatial natural resource satellite imagery water
Aquatic reflectance produced with the dark spectrum fitting (DSF) algorithm as implemented in the Atmospheric Correction for OLI “lite” (ACOLITE) software (version 20221114.0). Aquatic reflectance is defined here as unitless water-leaving radiance reflectance and represents the ratio of water-leaving radiance (units of watts per square meter per steradian per nanometer) to downwelling irradiance (units of watts per square meter per nanometer) multiplied by pi.
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Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data, which is available under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO license. Please reference King et al., 2024 (doi 10.5066/P904243C) when referring to the aquatic reflectance, and include the statement 'Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data [Year]' to acknowledge the data originator.
United States Geological Survey
See all datasets managed by United States Geological Survey.
Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States was accessed on DATE
from King, T.V., Meyer, M.F., Hundt, S.A., Ball, G.P., Hafen, K.C., Avouris, D.M., Ducar, S.D., Wakefield, B.F., Stengel, V.S., and Vanhellemont, Q., 2024, Sentinel-2 ACOLITE-DSF Aquatic Reflectance for the Conterminous United States; U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, doi 10.5066/P904243C.
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://usgs-wma-sentinel-2-aqr-acolite-dsf/version_01/