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Synthea synthetic patient generator data in OMOP Common Data Model

bioinformatics health life sciences natural language processing us


The Synthea generated data is provided here as a 1,000 person (1k), 100,000 person (100k), and 2,800,000 persom (2.8m) data sets in the OMOP Common Data Model format. SyntheaTM is a synthetic patient generator that models the medical history of synthetic patients. Our mission is to output high-quality synthetic, realistic but not real, patient data and associated health records covering every aspect of healthcare. The resulting data is free from cost, privacy, and security restrictions. It can be used without restriction for a variety of secondary uses in academia, research, industry, and government (although a citation would be appreciated). You can read our first academic paper here:

Update Frequency

Not updated



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Amazon Web Sevices

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How to Cite

Synthea synthetic patient generator data in OMOP Common Data Model was accessed on DATE from

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    Project data files
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    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://synthea-omop/

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