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Sentinel-1 SLC dataset for Germany

disaster response earth observation environmental geospatial satellite imagery sustainability synthetic aperture radar


The Sentinel1 Single Look Complex (SLC) unzipped dataset contains Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 mission. Different from the zipped data provided by ESA, this dataset allows direct access to individual swaths required for a given study area, thus drastically minimizing the storage and downloading time requirements of a project. Since the data is stored on S3, users can utilize the boto3 library and s3 get_object method to read the entire content of the object into the memory for processing, without actually having to download it. The Sentinel-1 constellation consists of two satellites equipped with SAR sensors and a combined revisit time of six days. SAR imagery gets recorded regardless of weather conditions and daylight, which makes it ideally suited for monitoring land-use changes, surface deformations, land applications, oil spills, sea-ice, natural hazards, and for emergency response. In its current first stage, the dataset covers the entirety of Germany and is being updated continuously. As a next stage, the dataset will provide up-to-date coverage of the sentinel-1 SLC data over Europe. This dataset is retrieved from Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) and consists of all Sentinel1-SLC imagery from the beginning (2014) to present.

Update Frequency

New Sentinel1-SLC IW data are updated regularly in an interval of 6 days, after they are available on the Alaska Satellite Facility endpoint.


The data usage will inherit and fully comply with the free and open data policy from ESA. View Terms and Conditions.


Managed By

See all datasets managed by LiveEO.


For any enquires regarding the dataset, please email OpenData at Live-EO

How to Cite

Sentinel-1 SLC dataset for Germany was accessed on DATE from

Usage Examples


Resources on AWS

  • Description
    Public access to Sentinel-1 SLC IW scenes over Germany
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://sentinel1-slc/

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