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Sentinel Near Real-time Canada Mirror

agriculture disaster response earth observation geospatial satellite imagery stac sustainability synthetic aperture radar


The official Government of Canada (GC) 🍁 Near Real-time (NRT) Sentinel Mirror connected to the EU Copernicus programme, focused on Canadian coverage. In 2015, Canada joined the Sentinel collaborative ground segment which introduced an NRT Sentinel mirror site for users and programs inside the Government of Canada (GC). In 2022, the Commission signed a Copernicus Arrangement with the Canadian Space Agency with the aim to share each other’s satellite Earth Observation data on the basis of reciprocity. Further to this arrangement as well as ongoing Open Government efforts, the private mirror was made open to the public, here on the AWS Open Dataset Registry. Additional Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-6 products over Canada are also retrieved from EUMETSAT.

Update Frequency

Sentinel-1 is an NRT dataset retrieved from ESA's collaborative hub within 90 minutes of satellite downlink. Non-NRT Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 are also retrieved. Other sensors are updated as quickly as possible based on Canada coverage and availability at the source.


Access to Sentinel data is free, full and open for the broad Regional, National, European and International user community. View Terms and Conditions.


Managed By

See all datasets managed by Natural Resources Canada.


How to Cite

Sentinel Near Real-time Canada Mirror was accessed on DATE from

Resources on AWS

  • Description
    NRT Sentinel data in an S3 bucket broken down by sensor, product type and date.
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://sentinel-products-ca-mirror/
    EODMS STAC for Sentinel products

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