cog computer vision earth observation geospatial image processing satellite imagery stac
Satellogic EarthView dataset includes high-resolution satellite images captured over all continents. The dataset is organized in Hive partition format and hosted by AWS. The dataset can be accessed via STAC browser or aws cli. Each item of the dataset corresponds to a specific region and date, with some of the regions revisited for additional data. The dataset provides Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance values across four spectral bands (Red, Green, Blue, Near-Infrared) at a Ground Sample Distance (GSD) of 1 meter, accompanied by comprehensive metadata such as off-nadir angles, sun elevation, and other pertinent details. Users should note that due to an artifact in region delineation, a small number of regions present overlaps.
New data will be made available periodically, with annual updates expected in the future covering the same or other new regions.
See all datasets managed by Satellogic.
Satellogic EarthView dataset was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://satellogic-earthview/