agriculture climate meteorological weather
This is a 20-year global wave reforecast generated by WAVEWATCH III model ( forced by GEFSv12 winds ( The wave ensemble was run with one cycle per day (at 03Z), spatial resolution of 0.25°X0.25° and temporal resolution of 3 hours. There are five ensemble members (control plus four perturbed members) and, once a week (Wednesdays), the ensemble is expanded to eleven members. The forecast range is 16 days and, once a week (Wednesdays), it extends to 35 days. More information about the wave modeling, wave grids and calibration can be found in the WAVEWATCH III regtest ww3_ufs1.3 (
The 20 years of reforecast results were analyzed and quality-controlled. Three output types are available
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For questions related to wave modeling and the ensemble reforecast available, please contact Ricardo Martins Campos, email
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NOAA Wave Ensemble Reforecast was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-nws-gefswaves-reforecast-pds/