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NOAA's Coastal Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) for the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast (GEC) is produced using verified hourly water levels from the Center of Operational Oceanographic Products & Services (CO-OPS), through hydrodynamic modeling from Advanced Circulation "ADCIRC" and Simulating WAves Nearshore "SWAN" models. Data are assimilated, processed, corrected, and processed again before quality assurance and skill assessment with additional verified tide station-based observations.
Details for CORA Dataset
Timeseries - 1979 to 2022
Size - Approx. 20.5TB
Domain - Lat 5.8 to 45.8 ; Long -98.0 to -53.8
Nodes - 1813443 centroids, 3564104 elements
Grid cells - Currently apporximately 505
Spatial Resolution - 500m, 1983 Contiguous USA Albers projection (EPSG:5070)
Monthly, quarterly, and annually, depending on the dataset.
NOAA data disseminated through NODD are open to the public and can be used as desired.
NOAA makes data openly available to ensure maximum use of our data, and to spur and encourage exploration and innovation throughout the industry. NOAA requests attribution for the use or dissemination of unaltered NOAA data. However, it is not permissible to state or imply endorsement by or affiliation with NOAA. If you modify NOAA data, you may not state or imply that it is original, unaltered NOAA data.
See all datasets managed by NOAA’s National Ocean Service, The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS).
For questions regarding data content or quality, email
This data is made available to the public through the NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) Program. For questions regarding this program, email
We also seek to identify case studies on how NOAA data is being used and will be featuring those stories in joint publications and in upcoming events. If you are interested in seeing your story highlighted, please share it with the NOAA NODD team at NODD@NOAA.GOV.
NOAA's Coastal Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) Dataset was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-nos-cora-pds/