coastal geospatial history mapping survey
Historical Charts are not for Navigation. The collection primarily consists of historic charts and maps produced by NOAA's Coast Survey and its predecessors, especially the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and the U.S. Lake Survey (previously under the Department of War). The collection also includes bathymetric maps, land sketches, Civil War battle maps, aeronautical charting from the 1930s to the 1950s, and other drawings and photographs.
Periodic manual updates when historic charts are added to the collection.
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See all datasets managed by NOAA.
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For general questions or feedback about the data, please submit inquiries through the NOAA Office of Coast Survey (OCS) ASSIST Tool at
NOAA Historical Maps and Charts was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-nos-historicalcharts-pds/