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See here for the latest GFS data.
The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a weather forecast model produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Dozens of atmospheric and land-soil variables are available through this dataset, from temperatures, winds, and precipitation to soil moisture and atmospheric ozone concentration. The entire globe is covered by the GFS at a base horizontal resolution of 18 miles (28 kilometers) between grid points, which is used by the operational forecasters who predict weather out to 16 days in the future. Horizontal resolution drops to 44 miles (70 kilometers) between grid point for forecasts between one week and two weeks.
Every 6 hours
NOAA data disseminated through NODD is made available under the Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0-1.0) license, which is well-known and internationally recognized. There are no restrictions on the use of the data. The data are open to the public and can be used as desired.
NOAA has adopted the Creative Commons license to ensure maximum use of our data, to spur and encourage exploration and innovation throughout the industry. This license is applicable to each of the NOAA datasets made available by NODD. NOAA requests attribution for the use or dissemination of unaltered NOAA data. However, it is not permissible to state or imply endorsement by or affiliation with NOAA. If you modify NOAA data, you may not state or imply that it is original, unaltered NOAA data.
See all datasets managed by Unidata.
Unidata NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS) Model was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-gfs-pds/