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NOAA Terrestrial Climate Data Records

agriculture climate meteorological sustainability weather


NOAA's Climate Data Records (CDRs) are robust, sustainable, and scientifically sound climate records that provide trustworthy information on how, where, and to what extent the land, oceans, atmosphere and ice sheets are changing. These datasets are thoroughly vetted time series measurements with the longevity, consistency, and continuity to assess and measure climate variability and change. NOAA CDRs are vetted using standards established by the National Research Council (NRC).

Climate Data Records are created by merging data from surface, atmosphere, and space-based systems across decades. NOAA’s Climate Data Records provides authoritative and traceable long-term climate records. NOAA developed CDRs by applying modern data analysis methods to historical global satellite data. This process can clarify the underlying climate trends within the data and allows researchers and other users to identify economic and scientific value in these records. NCEI maintains and extends CDRs by applying the same methods to present-day and future satellite measurements.

Terrestrial CDRs are composed of sensor data that have been improved and quality controlled over time, together with ancillary calibration data.

Update Frequency

Climate Data Records are updated independently. For update frequency for a specific CDR, please refer to the Climate Data Record website.


Open Data. There are no restrictions on the use of this data.


Managed By

See all datasets managed by NOAA.


For questions regarding the specific CDR data holdings, please contact NCEI.SAT.INFO@NOAA.GOV.
For any questions regarding data delivery not associated with this platform or any general questions regarding the NOAA Open Data Dissemination Team (NODD) email us at
We also seek to identify case studies on how NOAA data is being used and will be featuring those stories in joint publications and in upcoming events. If you are interested in seeing your story highlighted, please share it with the NODD team by emailing

How to Cite

NOAA Terrestrial Climate Data Records was accessed on DATE from

Resources on AWS

  • Description
    Leaf Area Index
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-cdr-leaf-area-index-fapar-pds/
    Browse Bucket
  • Description
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-cdr-ndvi-pds/
    Browse Bucket
  • Description
    Snow Cover Extent
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://noaa-cdr-snow-cover-ext-north-pds/
    Browse Bucket

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