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Met Office Global Ocean model on a 2-year rolling archive

forecast geoscience geospatial global marine model netcdf ocean sea surface height oceans weather


The Global Ocean component of the Met Office Global Coupled Atmosphere-Land-Ocean-Ice system which has been running in operations since May 2022. The system provides a global physical analysis and coupled forecast products providing 3D daily mean fields of temperature and salinity, zonal and meridional velocities; 2D daily mean fields of sea surface height, bottom temperature, mixed layer depth, sea ice fraction, sea ice thickness and sea ice zonal and meridional velocities; and instantaneous hourly fields for sea surface height, sea surface temperature and surface currents. The Met Office Global Coupled Atmosphere-Land-Ocean-Ice system is comprised of both deterministic and ensemble forecasting systems both of which are coupled to an interactive ocean. Ocean and ice analysis and forecast products are currently generated from the deterministic system once a day with forecast with lead time out to 7 days, interpolated onto a regular latitude-longitude grid products by our Global Marine Post Processing (MaPP-GL) system.

Update Frequency

The Global Ocean model runs once daily. T+00h is the midnight prior to production, the following are produced. T-48h to T-24h best estimate; T-24h to T+00h analyses; 7 day forecast (from T+00h).


British Crown copyright 2024-2025, the Met Office, is licensed under CC BY-SA


Managed By

Met Office

See all datasets managed by Met Office.

Contact Service desk is only available Mon – Fri, 09:00 until 17:00 UTC (-1 hour during BST). As a non-operational service we aim to respond to any service support enquiries within 3-5 business days.

How to Cite

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Resources on AWS

  • Description
    Met Office Global Ocean model on a 2-year rolling archive
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://met-office-global-ocean-model-data/
    Browse bucket
  • Description
    Notifications for new global ocean model data
    Resource type
    SNS Topic
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region

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