automatic speech recognition denoising machine learning speaker identification speech processing
VOiCES is a speech corpus recorded in acoustically challenging settings, using distant microphone recording. Speech was recorded in real rooms with various acoustic features (reverb, echo, HVAC systems, outside noise, etc.). Adversarial noise, either television, music, or babble, was concurrently played with clean speech. Data was recorded using multiple microphones strategically placed throughout the room. The corpus includes audio recordings, orthographic transcriptions, and speaker labels.
Data from two additional rooms will be added to the corpus Fall 2018.
Creative Commons BY 4.0 (see here for more details)
See all datasets managed by In-Q-Tel.
Voices Obscured in Complex Environmental Settings (VOiCES) was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://lab41openaudiocorpus/