cancer genomic life sciences
The Foundation Medicine Adult Cancer Clinical Dataset (FM-AD) is a study conducted by Foundation Medicine Inc (FMI). Genomic profiling data for approximately 18,000 adult patients with a diverse array of cancers was generated using FoundationeOne, FMI's commercially available, comprehensive genomic profiling assay. This dataset contains open Clinical and Biospecimen data.
Genomic Data Commons (GDC) is the source of truth for this dataset; GDC offers monthly data releases, although this dataset may not be updated at every release.
NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy:
See all datasets managed by Center for Translational Data Science at The University of Chicago.
Foundation Medicine Adult Cancer Clinical Dataset (FM-AD) was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://gdc-fm-ad-phs001179-2-open/