air quality meteorological regulatory weather
The data are part of the 2022 Modeling Platform used to support regulatory actions and technical analyses conducted by the EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Specifically, this data includes Weather Research and Forecasting Model (v4.4.2) conducted at a 12-km resolution over the Continental United States (12US). MCIP-processed files and wrfcamx-processed (12US1 domain) are also available as part of this dataset to assist in the use of emissions processing and photochemical modeling. These files may be used in downstream applications to generate emissions, photochemical modeling, or dispersion modeling inputs. Additionally, lateral boundary condition files generated using GEOS-CF at 36-km with results translated from GEOS-Chem species available in GEOS-CF to CMAQ cb6/ae7. Simulations for boundary conditions covering the northern hemisphere are also provided. 12US2 lateral boundary condition files are also generated based on 36US3 CMAQ model run outputs. These simulations were conducted using CMAQ v5.4 and GEOS-Chem v14.0.1. 2022v1 CMAQ-ready emissions are provided for a 36km grid over North America (36US3) and two 12km grids (12SU1 and 12US2). In addition, 2022v1 CAMx-ready emissions are provided for a 12km grid over North America (12US2). See the documentation for pictures of the grids. The types of emissions data provided include point sources, nonpoint sources, mobiles sources, fires, lightning NOx, and biogenic emissions. Input files for computing biogenic emissions, lightning NOx emissions and bi-directional deposition inline within CMAQ are also provided. Ozone column and photolysis rate input files for CAMx model run are also provided. The related CMAQ and CAMx run scripts are also available now. One day sample outputs for CMAQ and CAMx on the 12US2 domain are also now available. README text files are included at multiple levels within the directory structure to explain files at that level. For more information about the emissions, see the below documentation or the 2022v1 web page:
As needed
These datasets are products of the U.S. Government and are intended for public access and use. Unless otherwise specified, all data produced by the U.S EPA is, by default, in the public domain and are not subject to domestic copyright protection under 17 U.S.C. § 105. More details on the U.S. Public Domain license are available here:
2022 WRF Modeling TSD: 2022 Emissions Base Case: 2022 v1 36US3 model performance:
See all datasets managed by U.S. EPA.
OAQPS 2022 Modeling Platform was accessed on DATE
from WRF Modeling: US EPA, 2024, "Meteorological Model Performance for Annual 2022 Simulation WRF v4.4.2" Emissions Modeling: US EPA, 2024, "Documentation of 2022 Base Year Emissions Released August 2024"
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://epa-2022-modeling-platform/