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Digital Earth Africa Sentinel-2 Level-2A

agriculture cog deafrica disaster response earth observation geospatial natural resource satellite imagery stac


The Sentinel-2 mission is part of the European Union Copernicus programme for Earth observations. Sentinel-2 consists of twin satellites, Sentinel-2A (launched 23 June 2015) and Sentinel-2B (launched 7 March 2017). The two satellites have the same orbit, but 180° apart for optimal coverage and data delivery. Their combined data is used in the Digital Earth Africa Sentinel-2 product. Together, they cover all Earth’s land surfaces, large islands, inland and coastal waters every 3-5 days. Sentinel-2 data is tiered by level of pre-processing. Level-0, Level-1A and Level-1B data contain raw data from the satellites, with little to no pre-processing. Level-1C data is surface reflectance measured at the top of the atmosphere. This is processed using the Sen2Cor algorithm to give Level-2A, the bottom-of-atmosphere reflectance (Obregón et al, 2019). Level-2A data is the most ideal for research activities as it allows further analysis without applying additional atmospheric corrections. The Digital Earth Africa Sentinel-2 dataset contains Level-2A data of the African continent. Digital Earth Africa does not host any lower-level Sentinel-2 data. Note that this data is a subset of the Sentinel-2 COGs dataset.

Update Frequency

New Sentinel-2 scenes are added regularly, usually within few hours after they are available on Copernicus OpenHub.


Access to Sentinel data is free, full and open for the broad Regional, National, European and International user community. View Terms and Conditions.


Managed By

See all datasets managed by Digital Earth Africa.


How to Cite

Digital Earth Africa Sentinel-2 Level-2A was accessed on DATE from

Usage Examples

Tools & Applications

Resources on AWS

  • Description
    Sentinel-2 scenes and metadata
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-sentinel-2/
    STAC V1.0.0 endpoint
  • Description
    S3 Inventory
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-sentinel-2-inventory/
  • Description
    New scene notifications, can subscribe with Lambda or SQS. Message contains entire STAC record for each new Item.
    Resource type
    SNS Topic
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
  • Description
    Bucket creation event notification, can subscribe with Lambda or SQS. Message sent by deafrica-sentinel-2 s3 bucket all object create events.
    Resource type
    SNS Topic
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region

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