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Digital Earth Africa Monthly Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Anomaly

agriculture cog deafrica disaster response earth observation geospatial natural resource satellite imagery stac


Digital Earth Africa’s Monthly NDVI Anomaly service provides estimate of vegetation condition, for each caldendar month, against the long-term baseline condition measured for the month from 1984 to 2020 in the NDVI Climatology. A standardised anomaly is calculated by subtracting the long-term mean from an observation of interest and then dividing the result by the long-term standard deviation. Positive NDVI anomaly values indicate vegetation is greener than average conditions, and are usually due to increased rainfall in a region. Negative values indicate additional plant stress relative to the long-term average. The NDVI anomaly service is therefore effective for understanding the extent, intensity and impact of a drought.Abrupt and significant negative anomalies may also be caused by fire disturbance.

Update Frequency

From September 2022, the Monthly NDVI Anomaly is generated as a low latency product, i.e. anomaly for a month is generated on the 5th day of the following month. This ensures data is available shortly after the end of a month and all Landat 9 and Sentinel-2 observations are included. Not all landsat 8 observations for the month will be used, because the Landsat 8 Surface Refelectance product from USGS has a latency of over 2 weeks ([see Landsat Collection 2 Generation Timeline (


DE Africa makes this data available under the Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 license


Managed By

See all datasets managed by Digital Earth Africa.


How to Cite

Digital Earth Africa Monthly Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Anomaly was accessed on DATE from

Usage Examples

Tools & Applications

Resources on AWS

  • Description
    Monthly Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Anomaly
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-services/ndvi_anomaly/
    STAC V1.0.0 endpoint
  • Description
    S3 Inventory
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-services-inventory/
  • Description
    New scene notifications, can subscribe with Lambda or SQS. Message contains entire STAC record for each new Item
    Resource type
    SNS Topic
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
  • Description
    Bucket creation event notification, can subscribe with Lambda or SQS. Message sent by the s3 bucket for all object create events.
    Resource type
    SNS Topic
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region

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