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Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa) provides free and open access to a copy of the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) monthly and daily products over Africa. The CHIRPS rainfall maps are produced and provided by the Climate Hazards Center in collaboration with the US Geological Survey, and use both rain gauge and satellite observations. The CHIRPS-2.0 Africa Monthly dataset is regularly indexed to DE Africa from the CHIRPS monthly data. The CHIRPS-2.0 Africa Daily dataset is likewise indexed from the CHIRPS daily data. Both products have been converted to cloud-opitmized GeoTIFFs, and can be accessed through DE Africa’s Open Data Cube. This means the full archive of CHIRPS daily and monthly rainfall can be easily used for inspection or analysis across DE Africa platforms, including the user-interactive DE Africa Map. For more information on the dataset, see the CHIRPS website.
To the extent possible under the law, Pete Peterson has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to CHIRPS. CHIRPS data is in the public domain as registered with Creative Commons.
See all datasets managed by Digital Earth Africa.
Digital Earth Africa CHIRPS Rainfall was accessed on DATE
aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-input-datasets/rainfall_chirps_daily/
aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-input-datasets/rainfall_chirps_monthly/
aws s3 ls --region af-south-1 --no-sign-request s3://deafrica-input-datasets-inventory/