The Registry of Open Data on AWS is now available on AWS Data Exchange
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Data for Good at Meta

The Data for Good at Meta program includes tools built from de-identified data on our platform, as well as tools that we develop using satellite imagery and other publicly available sources. When data is shared responsibly with the communities that need it, it can improve wellbeing and save lives.

Search datasets (currently 13 matching datasets)

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If you want to add a dataset or example of how to use a dataset to this registry, please follow the instructions on the Registry of Open Data on AWS GitHub repository.

Unless specifically stated in the applicable dataset documentation, datasets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided and maintained by AWS. Datasets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check dataset licenses and related documentation to determine if a dataset may be used for your application.

Tell us about your project

If you have a project using a listed dataset, please tell us about it. We may work with you to feature your project in a blog post.

Daylight Map Distribution of OpenStreetMap

disaster responsegeospatialmappingosm

Daylight is a complete distribution of global, open map data that’s freely available with support from community and professional mapmakers. Meta combines the work of global contributors to projects like OpenStreetMap with quality and consistency checks from Daylight mapping partners to create a free, stable, and easy-to-use street-scale global map.

The Daylight Map Distribution contains a validated subset of the OpenStreetMap database. In addition to the standard OpenStreetMap PBF format, Daylight is available in two parquet formats that are optimized for AWS Athena including geometries (Points, LineStrings, Polygons, or MultiPolygons). First, Daylight OSM Features contains the nearly 1B renderable OSM features. Second, Daylight OSM Elements contains all of OSM, including all 7B nodes without attributes, and relations that do not contain geometries, such as turn restrictions.

Daylight ...

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Usage examples

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High Resolution Canopy Height Maps by WRI and Meta

aerial imageryagricultureclimatecogearth observationgeospatialimage processingland covermachine learningsatellite imagery

Global and regional Canopy Height Maps (CHM). Created using machine learning models on high-resolution worldwide Maxar satellite imagery.

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Usage examples

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High Resolution Population Density Maps + Demographic Estimates by CIESIN and Meta

aerial imagerydemographicsdisaster responsegeospatialimage processingmachine learningpopulationsatellite imagery

Population data for a selection of countries, allocated to 1 arcsecond blocks and provided in a combination of CSV and Cloud-optimized GeoTIFF files. This refines CIESIN’s Gridded Population of the World using machine learning models on high-resolution worldwide Maxar satellite imagery. CIESIN population counts aggregated from worldwide census data are allocated to blocks where imagery appears to contain buildings.

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Usage examples

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