oceans satellite imagery
The Aqua satellite platform carries a MODIS sensor that observes sunlight reflected from within the ocean surface layer at multiple wavelengths. These measurements at discrete wavelengths represent the spectrum of light leaving the water surface, and the shape of the spectrum is characteristic of the water optical properties.Moore et al. (2009) applied a clustering technique to spectra to identify 8 sets of discrete optical water types. This product "owt_csiro" is produced using a CSIRO implementation of the Moore et al. algorithm, and testing shows that it closely reproduces the results of the original Moore et al implementation in the NASA SeaDAS package. The CSIRO implementation was created because the implementation in SeaDAS has not been kept up to date, and to extend the product to the VIIRS sensor.
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Satellite - Ocean Colour - MODIS - 1 day - Optical Water Type (Moore et al 2009 algorithm) was accessed on DATE
from https://registry.opendata.aws/aodn_satellite_optical_water_type_1day_aqua. The citation in a list of references is: "IMOS [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]."
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://aodn-cloud-optimised/satellite_optical_water_type_1day_aqua.zarr/