oceans satellite imagery
This is a single-sensor SSTfnd product for a single 24 hour period, derived using observations from AVHRR instruments on all available NOAA polar-orbiting satellites. It is provided as a 0.02deg x 0.02deg cylindrical equidistant projected map over the Southern Ocean region 3°E to 158°W, 27°S to 78°S. Each grid cell contains the 24 hour average of all the highest available quality SSTs that overlap with that cell, weighted by the area of overlap. The diagram at https://help.aodn.org.au/satellite-data-product-information/ indicates where this product fits within the GHRSST suite of NOAA/AVHRR products. The SSTfnd is derived by adding a constant 0.17 degC to the SSTskin observations after rejecting observations with low surface wind speeds (<6m/s by day and <2m/s at night) (see http://www.bom.gov.au/amoj/docs/2011/beggs.pdf). Matchups with buoy SSTfnd observations indicate typical 2014 biases of < 0.01 degC and standard deviations of 0.6 degC. Refer to the IMOS SST products web page at http://imos.org.au/sstproducts.html and Beggs et al. (2013) at http://imos.org.au/sstdata_references.html for further information.
As Needed
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Satellite - Sea surface temperature - Level 3 - Single sensor - 1 day - Day and night time - Southern Ocean was accessed on DATE
from https://registry.opendata.aws/aodn_satellite_ghrsst_l3s_1day_daynighttime_single_sensor_southernocean. The citation in a list of references is: "IMOS [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]."
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://aodn-cloud-optimised/satellite_ghrsst_l3s_1day_daynighttime_single_sensor_southernocean.zarr/