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National Mooring Network - CTD profiles

chemistry oceans


This collection includes conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiles obtained at the National Reference Stations (NRS) as part of the water sampling program. The instruments used also measure dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and turbidity. The collection also includes practical salinity, water density and artificial chlorophyll concentration, as computed from the measured properties. The data are processed in delayed mode, with automated quality control applied. The National Reference Station network is designed to provide baseline information, at timescales relevant to human response, that is required to understand how large-scale, long-term change and variability in the global ocean are affecting the ecosystems of Australia's coastal seas. The stations are operated by the Australian National Moorings Network (ANMN), a facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS).

Update Frequency

As Needed



Managed By


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How to Cite

National Mooring Network - CTD profiles was accessed on DATE from IMOS [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]. If using data from the Ningaloo (TAN100) mooring, please add to the citation - "Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DJTSI), Western Australian Government".

Usage Examples


Resources on AWS

  • Description
    Cloud Optimised AODN dataset of IMOS - Australian National Mooring Network (ANMN) - CTD Profiles
    Resource type
    S3 Bucket
    Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
    AWS Region
    AWS CLI Access (No AWS account required)
    aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://aodn-cloud-optimised/mooring_ctd_delayed_qc.parquet/

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